Kaspersky 2010 - Critical Fix 1

Hardware enforcement, firewalling, DMZ, e sistemi di protezione delle reti locali.

Kaspersky 2010 - Critical Fix 1

Messaggioda leofelix » 24 lug 2009, 22:59

Poiché sono state individuate alcune falle e bug nei programmi Kaspersky Antivirus 2010 e Kaspersky Internet Security 2010, gli utenti di queste soluzioni di sicurezza sono invitati a effettuare un immediato upgrade alla versione successiva


Kaspersky Anti-Virus / Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 Critical Fix 1 (version

1. Problem with system instability after long period of program operation has been fixed.
2. Error causing BSOD while updating the emulator driver has been fixed.
3. Pop-up message in the URL checking module has been fixed (for the Spanish version).
4. Problem with pausing the scan task while third party programs are running in full-screen mode has been fixed.
5. Problem with the update task freezing at system startup has been fixed.
6. Vulnerability that allowed disabling of computer protection using an external script has been eliminated.
7. Driver crash in rare cases while processing a write operation has been fixed.
8. Crash while processing data incompliant with the protocol of Mail.Ru Agent has been fixed.

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Security Maniac
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Iscritto il: 4 giu 2009, 19:28

Re: Kaspersky 2010 - Critical Fix 1

Messaggioda Lionsquid » 25 lug 2009, 1:06

(Y) provvedo
dhnaqb percn oreyhfpbav fgnccb yb fchznagr
10, 100, 1000 cvnmmnyv ybergb, fhovgb!
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